Konnichiwa こんにちは
This past week was an eventful week! As you know, the new mission presidents came in and we had that huge broadcast with all of the apostles. First off, that was a great experience, but I'll talk more on that in a bit. Starting from the beginning. Last Tuesday we went to the temple and got to do a session with the Nihongin. That was so cool. They are seriously the sweetest people in the world! (We get our own batch next week and I am so excited!) After that, we went outside to take some pictures and I learned a new phrase that will earn me a lot of points in Japan. So you know how when we take pictures we say "Say Cheese...Cheese!" Well they say "ichi tasu ichi wa...ni!" Which means, "1 + 1 is...2!" いちたすいちは。。。に Whenever I say it the Nihongin always get so excited. Also, this solves the mystery of why they are always holding up the peace sign. It's actually the #2. Haha that was a fun fact. Also, this one Nihongin missionary I love always comes up to me and gives me a huge hug and says, "Sega takai!" せがたかい (You're so tall!) They are always so happy and so fun to be around. They left yesterday making me officially...a diasempai!! I'm so excited! I get my travel plans next week! Cannot even wait!
Then, in breaking news, a virus hit the MTC Tuesday night. Over 100 people went to the hospital and there were lines in the morning to the health center. Security guards were walking around all night escorting Elders to give people blessings. 27 girls from one building alone were already sick and throwing up by 10pm that night. 3 out of the 6 girls in my room alone got sick. Don't worry, I stood strong. Only 2 out of the 6 boys got sick, but they are expecting another round of it. Currently, handshakes are prohibited. So that sickness brought on a little bit of drama. Everyone that was sick went back to class half of thursday. Come Friday, everyone was better except for my companion...naturally. She kind of milks her sickness and we all get really sick of it. So Friday morning everyone is ready to go, but Womack is still in her bed. Then Douglas just goes, "Womack, get up! No one wants to stay in the room with you so get up and try to embrace the day!" A seconds later, Womack chucked her stuffed animal at Douglas, but she missed and it hit Bevan. Then a few minuted later, she abruptly gets off her bed and heads out to the stairwell. No one knew what to think. Mason tried talking to her but she wouldn't say anything. When all of the other girls left for breakfast she came back in the room, slammed the door, and said, "Alright let's go to breakfast!" I said it was okay because the other girls were bringin us food and that she could go back to bed. She then said it didn't matter because she was already up. The rest of the day continued like that. She wouldn't talk to anyone and just sat there with a harsh look on her face. Anyway, she started feeling better once Todd Sensei taught, but then was sick again when Willard Sensei taught, so we went back to the dorm during that lcass period. She then told me that it must have seemed that she was really mad this morning, but that she really wasn't. I asked her why she chucked the stuff animal and she said is was because it hurt her stomach. I'm not fully convinced of that story...but either way, things are good now and all of us are back to normal.
This past Saturday, the mission presidents came. I thought the food was bad before! They moved all of the missionaries into the gym to eat so the mission presidents could have the cafeteria. Now we have only one choice for each meal and hardly ever any fruits or vegetables. It's been rough. Luckily we are back to normal come Thursday. Also because the MP are here and many apostles, there is so much security around the building they are in. We aren't ever allowed in the main building.
So Sunday was the broadcast. It was so cool to have the apostles all so close to us. They always turned around and smailed and waved to the missionaries. I loved that! Also I was on the front row so I was pretty close. I was hoping the prophet would be there, but I here is is still pretty heartbroken. However, an elder in our branch got to serve him the sacrament. Now that would be an experience to tell your kids. While I was at the broadcast, I ran into some friends and they just made my day! First I got to see Millie from my dietetics program! Man I just love her! Then I got to see Emily (that is where the picture was from) and I saw Holly Anderson (did you know she's pregnant with a baby girl?). Then I also got to see Ginger and Viv! They went to Newport with me- they are the two who know G&G. I loved seeing them and it made me so happy to see their bright smiling faces! I love seeing friends! Also, while I was there, I was able to spot out Pres Samuelian. I kept my eyes on him and raced down to go talk to him after the braodcast, but he was talking with his daughter who is in the MTC, so I let him be. I was a little sad about that because they are under so much security, I knew I would probably never see them before Wednesday. Well, I was determined. Monday after lunch, I stood by the doors of 1M and opened the door for the MPs as they were leaving from lunch. I saw about 50 couples, but not the Samuelians. I saw WIllard Sensei's parents twice even! So finally I gave up. I went to drop Womack off at a doctor's appointment and the lady escorting me back told me to have the front desk deliever him a note. Genious idea! So I went to class and while I was there, Willard pulled me aside and talked to me about my companionship. He noticed it was difficult, especially because in the last lesson we taught him, I spoke for maybe 1 minute total, and he could tell I wasa little upset. He sympathized with me and gave me some advice. It was really great, because sometimes when I talk to the Branch presidency about it, I get the feeling as though all the problems in the companionship are my fault. I know they don't actually think that, but I sometimes get that vibe. So it was nice for someone to sympathize and encourage me to push along. Then, while others were teaching, I went to drop off the note to the front desk. While going there, I saw Willard Sensei's parents who are also MPs and asked if they could deliver the note instead. They accepted and I was so grateful. Then after dinner I was in class and a knock came from the door and the Samuelians popped their heads in. It made my day! I love talking with them. They pulled me aside and we went and talked for a bit. They said they went to the front desk and they asked if they could see me. The front desk people told them that they could do whatever they wanted. I told them next time they should pull me out when an apostle is around. So we talked for a bit and then he gave me a blessing. Seriously, it was one of the best blessings I have ever had. Every single question I had was answered in that blessing! I love priesthood blessings! So then I said goodbye and they said they would try and see me again before they left. I hope I get to see them again, but if not, I was so so happy to see them last night. Best day yet.
So also last week, the shimaitachi had a meeting with some RM shimai form Japan. They gave some pretty helpful tips. Did you know that in Japan, their toothpaste tastes like fish? That is disgusting! Who in their right mind would want their breath to smell like fish rather than minty freshness? Luckily I think I have 5 or so tubes of my own and I may buy some more at the bookstore before I leave.
So there's my update for the week. Also, I hope everyone else has a great week! Love you all and thanks for all the letters, emails, and packages. You all are great!
Ai shite imasu! あいしています
Ellsworth エルスワス Shimai しまい
With some of the Nihongin at the temple |
Damron and I were twins for the broadcast |
An MTC classic with Damron Douglas |
Murray Shimai and I- she is my favorite and so funny! |