So I am a little behind on updates so here it goes:
April 29, 2012
Wow a lot has happened this week! It is crazy how fast the week goes by here. It feels like you are almost counting p-days. I am actually surprised at how fast it is already going considering I am pretty new at this. I haven't even been here for 2 weeks but I feel like I have known everyone here for so long!
Okay, so the first week that I was here... I'll be honest, we did horrible. Our numbers were so low and we had no one on track to get baptized. SO, we figured that we needed to try harder. We had a mission wide conference call with the mission president and he said the same thing. So we decided to give it a try. This week we decided to fast for 2 days. Not right in a row, don't worry i'm not that crazy. We did on tuesday and on saturday. WOW. It is crazy how just having a little bit more faith and working a little bit harder gets ou so many miracles and blessings! As you know, I do online chat as part of the visitors center. I have always thought that there was no point and that no one would really change from chatting online. But wait, I was wrong, of course. The day we fasted we went out finding on the street to try and get more investigators. I thought that by fasting we would get someone... nope. It was when I was not ready for it. It was on chat. We were talking to a girl for the first time. She was so interested and asked how to become a member and to get the book of mormon. She said she was overwhelmed with the spirit. we invited her to be baptized, sent missionaries to her, and she is being taught right now! Sad that I can't teach her but I am happy that a least someone is! Then, the second time we fasted we got a girl who came to church with her cousin who is a member. Her sister is also a member and she said that she saw a change for better in them and that she wanted what they both had. We taught her a short lesson after church (which she loved) and then we have an appointment with her this week. Honestly it is so great.
I know that I needed to get better... I was so scared to go and talk to people on the street for like the first week haha it is scary! A lot of people reject you and some people talk to you. You have to have a lot of confidence in what you are saying. I made it my goal to stop everyone I passed. okay, I maybe didn't get everyone but I did improve. I am not scared to go and talk to people anymore which is great!! yay finally! and actually because of it we met this really sweet girl named Neha. We invited her to come into the visitors center so we could just teach her for like 10 minutes. She came in and we have another appointment with her this Tuesday! I never thought that we would be able to get a step in but we did! I was so happy! ahhh
Then, in the visitors center this boy came in and me and my companion taught him with the pictures in the center. He is very catholic and is very comfortable in his church but he told us that for some reason he felt a pull to come into our church and see what it was all about. We taught him for like and hour! He ended up leaving with a Book of Mormon, a chapter we wanted him to read, and a return appointment with us!! Seriously, we have been meeting so many people it is awesome! We also still have our other 2 progressing investigators and we are going to invite them to be baptized this week! It is so true when people say the harder you work the better it is. Time goes by so much faster and it is so much fun!
I love it here! I get to meet so many people all of the time and that is my favorite thing! I am always able o talk with them and really get to know them! Oh and also, London is GREAT! I will send you all some pictures of what we saw last week! It was so fun to just be able to walk around and see everything. I am already in love with this city. and don't worry, I will probably weight 500 pounds when I get back. There are some foods here that are just soooo good and people always bring us snacks! hah but I love it. Oh well at least I knew it was coming, right?
Oh and one last thing, I HAVE NOT TAUGHT ONE PERSON WHO IS FLUENT IN ENGLISH / IT IS THERE FIRST LANGUAGE. Pretty sure that we are giving so many English lessons and that my head hurts after every one of them! haha there is his one girl who doesn't know like anything but she is so sweet and she came to church yesterday!! Really though I am surprised at how many people we teach from all over the world! I guess I will come back knowing like 5 languages.
Also, my ward is the best. The people are so friendly and since it is a singles ward, we have so many activities!! I love it. We have institute and FHE and last week we had a talent show! Then this coming Saturday we are playing football (soccer) at the park. so fun. I love playing sports and we always are! I love it so much.
Well I have to get going but I promise that I will send those pictures! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!
Love, Sister Ellsworth
Standing next to all the Mormon ads in the tube |
She tried fish and chips but didn't say how she liked it |
Site seeing on p-day |
With her favorite MTC companion in London |
With her trainer and somebody else |
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