Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Here is a small section from Jamie's last email:

Finally, Andrea. She is getting baptized this coming Sunday!! She is the perfect person. She was the perfect referral. She loves everything that we teach her and is willing to live all of the commandments! She is so excited to get baptized! I will have to take pictures. It will be my first baptism!! YAY!
So all of the investigators are going really well right now and we are meeting a lot of new people. There is a girl we had a step in with and we set another appointment and we are going to meet with her again!
Oh so this past week was my very first Zone Conference. It is so fun. I love them. You get to see so many missionaries and they feed you! There were so many good trainings and talks. People were called on to give spot talks and luckily I didn't have to! haha I was so happy about that!
Then, this weekend was stake conference! On Saturday the stake leaders spoke to us and then yesterday it was a broadcast to all of England from Salk Lake! The talks were so good! It really has been a great week! I can't believe that in one week I will be done with my first transfer! Crazy how fast it went. I am excited to see where I get to go next or if I will stay in the same area! My district leader is leaving to go home and I am so sad about it! honestly, pretty much every single elder in my district is leaving either this transfer or next except for one. I am so sad they are all leaving!! but its okay... I guess. haha I am excited to meet more people!
Well not too much other stuff has happened... just the fact that today has been a CRAZY pday. I don't even know if it has been a pday at all.. haha well it has been good and I get to spend the rest of the day with sister Bergy so I am excited!! Well I am glad to hear that everyone is doing good! I love hearing from all of you! I love you all and I will talk to you next week!! LOVE YOU
Love, Sister Ellsworth

With some of the other sisters in the Visitors Center
Her new name badge: They added a flag so people can identify which language they speak
With Andrea, their investigator 
Jamie and Sister Portillo, her 1st companion
Her and her bestie, Sister Bergstrom 

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