Saturday, June 29, 2013

Virus Outbreak at the MTC

Konnichiwa こんにちは
This past week was an eventful week!  As you know, the new mission presidents came in and we had that huge broadcast with all of the apostles.  First off, that was a great experience, but I'll talk more on that in a bit.  Starting from the beginning.  Last Tuesday we went to the temple and got to do a session with the Nihongin.  That was so cool.  They are seriously the sweetest people in the world!  (We get our own batch next week and I am so excited!) After that, we went outside to take some pictures and I learned a new phrase that will earn me a lot of points in Japan.  So you know how when we take pictures we say "Say Cheese...Cheese!"  Well they say "ichi tasu ichi!" Which means, "1 + 1 is...2!" いちたすいちは。。。に Whenever I say it the Nihongin always get so excited.  Also, this solves the mystery of why they are always holding up the peace sign.  It's actually the #2.  Haha that was a fun fact.  Also, this one Nihongin missionary I love always comes up to me and gives me a huge hug and says, "Sega takai!" せがたかい (You're so tall!) They are always so happy and so fun to be around.  They left yesterday making me officially...a diasempai!!  I'm so excited!  I get my travel plans next week! Cannot even wait!
Then, in breaking news, a virus hit the MTC Tuesday night.  Over 100 people went to the hospital and there were lines in the morning to the health center.  Security guards were walking around all night escorting Elders to give people blessings. 27 girls from one building alone were already sick and throwing up by 10pm that night. 3 out of the 6 girls in my room alone got sick.  Don't worry, I stood strong. Only 2 out of the 6 boys got sick, but they are expecting another round of it.  Currently, handshakes are prohibited. So that sickness brought on a little bit of drama. Everyone that was sick went back to class half of thursday. Come Friday, everyone was better except for my companion...naturally.  She kind of milks her sickness and we all get really sick of it.  So Friday morning everyone is ready to go, but Womack is still in her bed.  Then Douglas just goes, "Womack, get up! No one wants to stay in the room with you so get up and try to embrace the day!"  A seconds later, Womack chucked her stuffed animal at Douglas, but she missed and it hit Bevan.  Then a few minuted later, she abruptly gets off her bed and heads out to the stairwell. No one knew what to think.  Mason tried talking to her but she wouldn't say anything.  When all of the other girls left for breakfast she came back in the room, slammed the door, and said, "Alright let's go to breakfast!" I said it was okay because the other girls were bringin us food and that she could go back to bed.  She then said it didn't matter because she was already up.  The rest of the day continued like that.  She wouldn't talk to anyone and just sat there with a harsh look on her face.  Anyway, she started feeling better once Todd Sensei taught, but then was sick again when Willard Sensei taught, so we went back to the dorm during that lcass period.  She then told me that it must have seemed that she was really mad this morning, but that she really wasn't.  I asked her why she chucked the stuff animal and she said is was because it hurt her stomach.  I'm not fully convinced of that story...but either way, things are good now and all of us are back to normal.
This past Saturday, the mission presidents came.  I thought the food was bad before!  They moved all of the missionaries into the gym to eat so the mission presidents could have the cafeteria.  Now we have only one choice for each meal and hardly ever any fruits or vegetables.  It's been rough.  Luckily we are back to normal come Thursday.  Also because the MP are here and many apostles, there is so much security around the building they are in.  We aren't ever allowed in the main building.
So Sunday was the broadcast.  It was so cool to have the apostles all so close to us.  They always turned around and smailed and waved to the missionaries.  I loved that! Also I was on the front row so I was pretty close.  I was hoping the prophet would be there, but I here is is still pretty heartbroken.  However, an elder in our branch got to serve him the sacrament.  Now that would be an experience to tell your kids.  While I was at the broadcast, I ran into some friends and they just made my day!  First I got to see Millie from my dietetics program! Man I just love her!  Then I got to see Emily (that is where the picture was from) and I saw Holly Anderson (did you know she's pregnant with a baby girl?). Then I also got to see Ginger and Viv!  They went to Newport with me- they are the two who know G&G.  I loved seeing them and it made me so happy to see their bright smiling faces!  I love seeing friends!  Also, while I was there, I was able to spot out Pres Samuelian.  I kept my eyes on him and raced down to go talk to him after the braodcast, but he was talking with his daughter who is in the MTC, so I let him be.  I was a little sad about that because they are under so much security, I knew I would probably never see them before Wednesday.  Well, I was determined.  Monday after lunch, I stood by the doors of 1M and opened the door for the MPs as they were leaving from lunch.  I saw about 50 couples, but not the Samuelians.  I saw WIllard Sensei's parents twice even!  So finally I gave up.  I went to drop Womack off at a doctor's appointment  and the lady escorting me back told me to have the front desk deliever him a note.  Genious idea!  So I went to class and while I was there, Willard pulled me aside and talked to me about my companionship.  He noticed it was difficult, especially because in the last lesson we taught him, I spoke for maybe 1 minute total, and he could tell I wasa little upset.  He sympathized with me and gave me some advice.  It was really great, because sometimes when I talk to the Branch presidency about it, I get the feeling as though all the problems in the companionship are my fault.  I know they don't actually think that, but I sometimes get that vibe.  So it was nice for someone to sympathize and encourage me to push along.  Then, while others were teaching, I went to drop off the note to the front desk. While going there, I saw Willard Sensei's parents who are also MPs and asked if they could deliver the note instead.  They accepted and I was so grateful.  Then after dinner I was in class and a knock came from the door and the Samuelians popped their heads in.  It made my day!  I love talking with them.  They pulled me aside and we went and talked for a bit.  They said they went to the front desk and they asked if they could see me.  The front desk people told them that they could do whatever they wanted.  I told them next time they should pull me out when an apostle is around.  So we talked for a bit and then he gave me a blessing.  Seriously, it was one of the best blessings I have ever had.  Every single question I had was answered in that blessing!  I love priesthood blessings! So then I said goodbye and they said they would try and see me again before they left.  I hope I get to see them again, but if not, I was so so happy to see them last night. Best day yet.
So also last week, the shimaitachi had a meeting with some RM shimai form Japan.  They gave some pretty helpful tips.  Did you know that in Japan, their toothpaste tastes like fish?  That is disgusting!  Who in their right mind would want their breath to smell like fish rather than minty freshness? Luckily I think I have 5 or so tubes of my own and I may buy some more at the bookstore before I leave.
So there's my update for the week.  Also, I hope everyone else has a great week!  Love you all and thanks for all the letters, emails, and packages.  You all are great!
Ai shite imasu! あいしています
Ellsworth エルスワス Shimai  しまい

With some of the Nihongin at the temple
Damron and I were twins for the broadcast 
An MTC classic with Damron Douglas 

 Murray Shimai and I- she is my favorite and so funny!

Monday, June 24, 2013

A New Companion Already?

So Jamie is on fire. Honestly. She's doing awesome and we aren't the only ones who are noticing it. I am so proud of both of my sisters. They are both working so hard and serving faithfully. I miss them so much. Anyways, I believe Jamie should get her new companion today. Read on to find out more about it:

I saw all of the pictures and links you sent me about Martha being on the front row. That is honestly the coolest thing ever! I am so happy that she was able to have that experience!! AHH sooo cool! And she was able to see Emily! Wow I bet she just loved that so much!
This week has been another fun one and guess what, I have some news for all of you! So The transfer still has 2 weeks left... but today president pulled me in to the office and made some changes. He rearranged some of the sisters. I will no longer be with sister Gibson for the last 2 weeks of the transfer and I will actually be training the new VC sister that came in just 4 weeks ago! CRAZY!! I was not at all expecting for this to happen but I am so excited! The new girl (Sister Sua) is just the cutest thing ever and she is from Sydney, Australia! I will still be in the singles ward which I am also excited for! Ah I just think that it will be so great!
As for the work this week, wow there are just so many miracles that happen all of the time. So you all know that at first I didn't want to be in the VC and I will be honest.. sometimes I would not be the best VC missionary I could be. (I would not be at the front all the time waiting for visitors to come in and I would just get lazy) Then this last week we had a training and it really motivated me. We talked about how in the VC we are blessed because what is the best part about missionary work? Teaching people. We get to teach people ALL OF THE TIME. That is what we do and if we are not at the front waiting and prepared to meet those people, the Lord will not send them in because He needs to be able to trust us and know that we are ready to take care of them. I decided that I needed to do this and WOW it works. Since the day I decided to do that people have been flooding the VC (I feel like) and we have gotten to teach so many people. Also, on saturday night this young man from Africa came in. We gave him the lesson about the restoration and about the promise in the Book of Mormon and then we invited him to church the next day. Well, he showed up for church in a suit and tie and we got to talking. The night before he had stayed up most of the night and read the Book of Mormon! He got all the way to 3 Nephi chapter 18.. How amazing is that?!! I can't even explain how happy I was for him and how the spirit had touched him so strongly!!
I love how strong the spirit really is. honeslty it is amazing. The other day we had another lesson with Chris and when he came in I could tell something was different. He sat down and pulled out the Book of Mormon and his old Bible. I immediately thought.. "Oh boy". He said that that happiness he felt last week was gone and that he wanted that back but he didn't know what happened. So for the lesson we just talked and came to the conclusion that he was not reading the Book of Mormon and that is where it all lies. The Book of Mormon is something that can either make or break the gospel for us in our lives. Seeing him and his experience really made me realize that! It is our choice to do with it as we will but what we choose really affects us whether that is for good or for worse.
Also, we have not been able to watch that cool missionary broadcast yet because it was on at 11pm last night... and the missionaries over in this area of the world, were sleeping. haha but we do get to watch it this coming week sometime! However, we had a mission conference call this morning and President told us the announcement made by Elder Perry. The internet will now be used by all missionaries! That is so amazing to me. It is kinda scary, the Lord has put a lot of trust in the missionaries but I know that it is inspired and it will be so good! As you all know I have a facebook account (being a VC sister) and at first I thought it was dumb but I have really seen the benefits of it. There are a couple of dropped investigators and less actives that I can't get a hold of from the phone but they will always answer me on facebook chat so it is really awesome! I was thinking about it and they say that in the last days the all of the gospel will be spread through all the world. Sometimes I think we forget that there are others ways than just a physical missionary being in the country. All of the technology that we have in this world is allowing the gospel to spread all over and it is amazing!
Okay so funny story... actually kinda sad.. so you all know how I am in the missionary band? Well I never have the chance to practice the violin so pretty much I just run through the piece once before we perform and that is it. So we got music for the prayer and it was going to be the violin and the piano. I looked over it a couple of times and then they wanted me to perform it. Problem was, we only had one copy of the music so I would have to look of the piano to see the music. Well that is what they wanted so we did it and it was so rough. hahaha I totally messed up and just started laughing because of course that would happen! But I am just grateful that I am getting the chance to be more comfortable and brave playing in front of people because then after that I had to perform another song and I was not even nervous! haha but hey it;s a good story to write down, right?
Well I am so happy to hear that everyone is doing so well! I love you all so much and I hope that you have the best week!
your favorite Sister Missionary (We won't tell Martha) Sister Ellsworth
Oh and Ps. guess who I met the other day.. he came to our ward? Donny Osmond! haha random I know but ya I got to meet him!

Here's a picture of our dearest Jamie. I finally was able to edit the shadows off of the picture she originally liked but didn't want because of all the shadows. Check it out. I have such pretty sisters! 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Love of Grammar

Her Japanese is coming along great and man, she loves grammar. It's funny to see as the weeks progress that her english gets a little worse. You can tell she's becoming fully immersed in learning Japanese.  

I'm officially on the downward slope!  I have less than one month until I go to Japan and I cannot wait.  Last Wednesday I got to host in the new missionaries.  Our first assignment was to host the new Nihongis.  They are seriously so adorable!  The first thing one of them said was "sega takai."  It means I'm really tall. I've been told to expect that a lot, also "kin potsu" which means golden hair.  Our branch is so lucky.  I think there are three Japanese branches and ours is the only one that gets the Nihongis.  Every three weeks we get a new batch and then the Americans and the Nihongis fly out together.  It so cool that our branch gets that.  In less than two weeks our district will be getting our own Nihongis to fly out with.  Crazy!  They are the nicest, most energetic people I have every known.  However, whenever I have to speak to them, I always freeze up and can't remember any Japanese.  Luckily they all know English pretty good.  Thank goodness for English being basically the universal language.  (Also, ps if my spelling and grammar are horrible.  I seriously can't remember how to spell anything in English already.  I always have to doubl check with everyone else.)
So last Tuesday was our first time having devotional in the Marriott center.  There were so many people.  This Sunday there is the huge broadcast and the prophet and apostles will all be there.  I can't wait! I've been told that at this broadcast they may switch it so girls can choose to serve for 2 years and boys 3.  Holy smokes!  That would be crazy if that were really true.  I guess the Lord is really hastening the work.  Oh yes, also last week when hosting, I hosted someone going English speaking. Her rooms were almost brand new, twice the size of mine, the bathroom were gorgeous and there class rooms had huge desks with comfy rolly chairs..and she's only here for 10 days!  Not even cool.  So this week, we decided to go get ourselves some rolly chairs.  It sure does make a difference.  I sit for so many hours, I need some padding underneath me.  Also Damron shimai has started a tally in class to help keep her awake.  Each day has a different tally, but there are some that are pretty consistent.  For instance, how many times Crook choro falls asleep, or how many time Womack shimai flirts with our teacher Todd Sensei- I think our record high for that one is 14 times.  Seriously, it is out of control.  Everyone just has to laugh because we don't know how else to deal with it. 
Yesterday I had a cool experience though.  I always get so frustrated with myself and my companion because she knows a ton of Japanese and I'm just barely learning.  I feel so stupid everytime we have to teach our investigator.  So yesterday Womack shimai was at the doctor's office while we had class.  So I tag teamed with Mason and Damron Shimai in teaching Shuma.  I came along as a church member named Yomada.  I hadn't planned the lesson with them, so I was planning on saying a few things when I felt it was right and then bearing my testimony at the end about the topic.  Both of them started off.  Their grammar was not that great and I could hardly understand what they were trying to say.  They were messing up basic senteces like, "I ate an apple" type sentences.  I sat there and felt like I was in chaos as they scrambled to piece vocab together (in english format (subject + verb + object) rather than (subject + object + verb)) so they could try to get the point across. I felt bad for Shuma who had to try and comprehend it all. Finally it was my turn to speak and things started to calm down a little, and they calmed down more, and the lesson went much better.  Anyway, point of the story, I became very grateful for two things yesterday.  I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I became very grateful for my intelligence. I forget how quickly I catch on to things.  I always think I am always behind and everyone knows so much more than me.  However, I'm catching onto the language very quickly compared to most everyone else.  Last week, my teacher told me that my Japanese is very good, but I didn't believe him because he is just a nice teacher and he would say that to anyone.  But, I think he really meant it.  Anyway, I'm grateful that I have the ability to learn quickly and figure things out.  Second was that I realized what a blessing it is to have someone better at Japanese for a companion.  It's not because she teaches me anything extra (I don't allow her to because she just tells me how to write it and doesn't actually teach) but it's the fact that she isn't holding me back.  If I had one of the other sisters as a companion, I would have to slow down and go back and teach them what I already know and have figured out on my own.  But with my companion, she is already so ahead of me, that I can keeping progressing at my own rate. And hopefully I don't slow her down.  I don't think I do though because I don't ask her many questions; I like to figure things out on my own and piece everything together.  Also, I know I've said this a million times, but I love grammar.  I like to jump ahead of what we've learned and learn new things.  Then I take everything I've learned, try to piece all of my knowledge together to start making complex sentences.  I felt so proud of myself when I was able to piece 4 principles together, 3 of which I had learned on my own, and create the sentence, "When you are done teaching Douglas and Bevan Shimai, I have a question." (Todd sensei wa Douglas shimai to Bevan shimai o oshie owatta toki ni watashi ga shitsumon ga arimasu.)  May seem like a simple sentece but it actually is not- however still not the most complex either.  But also another reason why Japanese is awesome- we have nicknames for all of our books.  Our yellow grammar book is called the pikachu, then we have the ninga (that has everything in it), the miagi, the bulbasor, the sumo, the samarai, the squirrdel, and the charmander.  I don't know if any other langauge has that.  Also next week we become daisempai!  That means we are the most 'advanced" group soon.  I thought the day would never come.  Also this week I got a calling.  I'm not the sister training leader (thank goodness!) but I'm the portal trainer?  Anyway, I get to teach the Nihongi and the new kohai how to use email, how to use the portal, and how to email the branch presidency every week.  Good thing I know so much about computers....
Anyway, I hope everything is great!  Look for me on TV for this upcoming broadcast.  I'll be singing in the choir.  Too bad you didn't get tickets for it, that would have been awesome!  O well.  I guess mom and dad, you'll just have to come volunteer at the TRC. Dad, you can teach those new missionaries how to properly pronounce a French "r." And mom...well I don't know any German, so sorry.  Anyway, I love and miss you all!
Ai shite imasu,
Ellsworth Shimai

First devotional at the Marriott Center
Getting to be a hosting sister 
With the Nihongi she hosted. She said she's going to have to get used to towering over all the Japanese people. I guess an elder asked to take a picture with her because she is so tall....ha 


Life Is Good

She's doing great!

Konnichiwa Kazoku-
Life here in the MTC is good.  Everyone says the time flies by, but I am still wiating for that to happen.  The MTC is great, but there is little variation.  I love when we can go out to the field and either jog or play sports.  The days here otherwise seem to melt together.  The language is coming along. I'm trying to really focus on the grammar structures this week.  I want to have those down so I can start putting a variety of sentences together.  However, I have seen many parts of the MTC and I have noticed that those who stay here for 9 weeks are stuck in the basement with these tiny little chair/desks that are so uncomfortable.  Then you go over to the English speaking buildings and they have padded large chairs with a bigger desk thing and much more room in their classrooms.  I find that a little unfair considering the fact that we are here for 9 weeks.  But guess what? This Saturday marks halfway!! On Saturday I will be officially one month away from departing to Japan. I can't wait!  I don't even care if I can't speak the langauge.  I'll get by somehow. 
I'm trying to see if there was anything that happened this week besides the usual.  On Thursday we had a sand volleyball game- Choros v. Shimai in our district.  Losers had to bring over everyone's tray for three days.  The boys won.  It was so embarassing.  I pretty much gave up after the first two points.  Church volleyball is just not my thing.  But luckily, the the choros didn't actually make us carry over their trays.  Our teachers our great, and they seem to get better and better each time they teach.  Todd sensei is awesome and you can tell he really wants us to be good missionaries.  On Sunday, for Relief Society, Sister Anne Clegg spoke.  Her talk was so great!  She actually made me more excited than I have been about serving a mission.  She told us the three things we need to know before going out into the field: 1) Know Your Purpose 2) Be Bold 3) Expect Miracles.  It was really good.  Also, they told us that in jus the Provo MTC, there were currently 1,297 sister missionaries--probably quite a bit different from the time Mom or Laura served.  There are so many! Also, every week we sing a special sister missionary song.  At first I thought it a little corny, but now I love it, so I'm going to share it with you.  It is sung to "As Sisters in Zion."
The sisters of zion are called to God's labor
We willingly serve Him in Spirit and might
We go to the nations with truth everlasting
We teach of the Savior, our Lord, Jesus Christ
We thank thee o God for a prophet to guide us
We trust in His words and our purpose is clear
The angels of Heaven are walking beside us
We'll share our glad message with all who will hear
We'll go forth enlisted in Helaman's army
With numbers much greater than ever before
With power and Spirit we faithfully witness
The heavens have spoken and truth is restored
It is so cool when we all sing it together.  I hope you enjoy it.  I'm guessing they had that song around when Jamie was in the MTC.  Anyway, I can't think of anything else new. Hope you have a great week!
Ai shite imasu yo!
Ellsworth Shimai

Maxi skirt day 
At the temple 
All the sisters at the temple
Before their v-ball game

Mission Band

Jamie is loving life and seeing progression on the people she is working with. She has had some awesome confirming experiences lately that have helped her understand even more that she is in the right place, at the right time.

Hi Family!!

So to start off you will never guess... Chris told me that he is 80% sure he is going to get baptized!!!!!! AHH I was freaking out. I mean after everything. Oh boy it just shows me how powerful the spirit really is. It is just amazing. Seeing his change and how happy he is, is just such a testimony builder to me! I invited him to set a date on july 7 and he started giving me the excuse that it was after his first week of work so he would be too tired so then I said, "Okay then it's the 30th!" he just laughed and said that it would actually work better but that it was so soon! Well we are really pushing for the 30th and I am so excited!! He just wants to talk to his parents first... but yay he is getting so Close!! 
This past week has been amazing! Once again there have been so many miracles, I can't believe it. Our investigator Jillian is still as awesome as ever and yesterday she came to all of church which was awesome. She is pretty quite so she didn't have too much to say but she said that she really enjoyed it so I was happy to hear that!
So you know that band that I told you I am in now? Well we get to travel all around the mission now to perform and it is just awesome! It is honestly so much fun! I love all of the people that are in it and I love getting to meet all of the people that come to hear it. This past week we went to a place called Watford which is like 1 1/2 hours away by tube and stuff... That performance didn't start till 8 and we didn't leave the chapel till 9:15. Put the pieces together and we didn't get home until like 10:45 that night... haha it was weird being out so late, especially on a Friday night in London. But I am so excited because we are doing 2 performances this week! It is crazy because this is how it always works.. The day of the performance I get the violin and a new piece that we are going to play that night. Then I run through it alone 2-3 times, play it with everyone else once and then we go and perform it. It is really making me so much more comfortable playing in front of other people and I just love it.
I think I already told you this last week but I just wanted to remind you all that this is the best mission in the world! The people here are just amazing! They are so sweet and I can't even explain how much I just love all of them. There were a couple of moments this week where I really realized why I am specifically here in the England London mission at this time. I couldn't have asked for a better place to serve, especially at this time!
So, as you all know, a mission was not really my first choice once upon a time.. haha I really needed to be directed and have a lot of "cool" things happen to get me to the right direction. Like deciding to serve 4 days before the announcement of the age change and then getting called to London. all crazy. But let me just tell you that I am so grateful for all of those Big and little promptings I had to come out here and serve. I will be honest, sometimes I think to myself how my life would be if I didn't come and serve a mission and it kind of scares me. I have learned so much and still have so much more to learn and I can't even think about missing out on it. This past week was such a huge testimony builder for me in so many ways! I don't even really know how to describe it except that it was awesome! I guess it just all comes down to the fact that I am grateful for the people around me and everything that they teach me. I have really come to love this gospel more than anything and I would never want to loose that! (and I told myself I would never be one of those missionaries that is all spiritual in their emails home.. what has happened to me! haha)
Life here in England is just great. I am finally getting use to how to shop for food and all that kind of stuff. Just basically how to live here. Oh best thing ever. So I am my fathers child because I have only been eating microwave popcorn and I am sick of it. SO, I found just plane seeds at the store and I figured out how to cook them on the stove (I will be sending a picture) Best. Thing. Of. My. Life. You know me and my popcorn. I just love it and I pretty much can't live without it, especially the kind we make at home so I was one happy camper! Also, being at the mission office is the best. I went upstairs and talked with Sister Allred who is from Utah. There is a Costco here and she has a membership so guess what she did for me? She went and bought me a huge thing of skippy peanut butter. Oh boy I am in heaven. hahaha I know kinda pathetic but hey it works. If there is a will there is a way right? I was really missing my peanut butter!
Well I best be getting going. I hope that you all are having a wonderful week and hey, no more boating without me. You have to wait until... I get back. remember that was our deal :) haha I love you all SO much!!!
Love, Sister Ellsworth

Jamie finally sent some pictures. I told her I was missing her beautiful face.

With some of the missionaries that left last transfer 
With some of the newly baptized members
Nightly planning outside on their balcony
With her fav 
With Andrea, her 1st baptism, at Big Ben!
A little taste of home
Just a reminder, if you want to write Jamie a physical letter, her address is on the right hand side of this blog. She doesn't get very many letters so any love you want to send her way I know she'd appreciate it!

The Best Week Ever!

So a couple of weeks ago Jamie missed e-mailing on her p-day because she had an impromptu conference with Elder Ballard, one of the 12 apostles for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Read all about her awesome week below:


Wow I have so much to tell you from this past week. It has been so great!! So to start off, let me explain to you how awesome my mission is! First of all, it is where many apostles have served and whenever someone comes to London to visit, the chapel I am always at is where they go to church. Pretty much great! So.... yesterday guess who came last minute to talk with our whole mission?!! 
Elder M. Russell Ballard!! ahh it was so awesome! We got a special meeting with an apostle and then on top of that guess what happened? Elder Tingey found me a violin to use temporarily. He brought it yesterday and last moment they asked me to play the musical number with them during the special conference which means yes, I got to play!! It was really scary at first because I haven't played in a while, it was a new violin, and I only got to run through the song 2 times before hand.... good thing it was super easy! But I just got over being scared and thought about how awesome of an opportunity I was given!! SO COOL!! His talk was all about missionary work and how we should decide now, whether or not we are going to give this time fully to the Lord or not and that this is a special time that will never come again. I just loved every second of it. 

Oh and another cool thing that happened yesterday.. so you  know how I told you everyone who visits London comes to our chapel? Well on Sunday we had a special visitor and his name is Jimmer Fredette. haha so I got to meet him which was kinda cool but then what was even cooler was that he came to our early morning basketball. As a district we play basketball in the morning and someone invited him and he actually came and played. awesome. 

As for the rest of the week and our investigators things have been great. I was a little nervous at first and decided that I honestly could not do this transfer (or any of my mission) with out fully relying on the Lord. I have seen the blessings of doing that just from this past week. To start our investigator Aaron is great. We have extended a baptismal invitation to him before but he said no, even though he knows the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was a prophet but he didn't think this was the only true church. Then, this past week we extended the invitation for him to baptised again and this is what he said, "When you asked me this a couple of weeks ago I was not sure and I didn't think I wanted to, but for some reason, this time it feels like God is saying to me, 'Aaron this is your opportunity' so I want to be baptised." How cool is that! Seriously the spirit was and is preparing him! 

Then we have this investigator named Jillian. Sister Portillo and I found her one day when we were out finding but she was leaving for America.. I think I told you this last week. Anyway, we met with her this past week and she is a miracle. We taught her the restoration and she said that everything we said made sense. She has been looking for a religion with more and that the Book of Mormon and prophets just made sense. Then we extended a conditional baptismal invitation for her to be baptised when she comes to know that these things are true and she said yes!!! Wow it honestly amazes me how the spirit really is the teacher and how people are already being prepared, even if we haven't met them yet! 

It has been just the most amazing, bestest week ever and I love being a missionary. This really is a once in a life time experience and I always have to remember that! Also, I had a cool kinda insight for myself. We keep getting logical investigators who question a lot and like to have knowledge and understanding. At first I was wondering why but then it hit me. That is exactly how I am. I have never had the most overwhelming feeling that the gospel is true, but I know that it is. It does bring me so much comfort and I feel God's love for me but the way I know it is true is by understanding. I have noticed that in my life, when I pray to know about something, the answer comes to me by greater understanding. The gospel just makes sense. It answers those questions of the soul that deep down everyone has. That is the best part about it. Because I am like this, I feel such a connection and love to the people that I am teaching and I understand more how to reach out to them so that the spirit can touch them. This gospel is for everyone and I want everyone to know that. I hope that you all have a great week and know that I love you all very very much!! 


Love, Sister Ellsworth 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Shots and Patience

Okay, so now for a little update on my life in the MTC.  To start things off, I had to get 3 shots this week!  Two nurses tried to calm me down. Haha. I always bite my hand while they give me the shots.  This time my bite marks lasted for over ten hours!  Those shots hurt! Hep A, Hep B, and Tetnis.  Mom and Dad, I sent you an insurance receipt, so look for that, fill it out, and then send it to our insurance company.  I don't know if they'll cover any of the shots, but it's worth a "shot".  Sorry, the longer I am in the MTC, the more I realize how lame my humor gets.  We find the littlest things to be funny.  We need a stress relief somehow.  Also, this week we finally moved up from Kohai to Sempai.  Starting Wednesday, we will no longer be the newest Japanese speakers!  Next week will be halfway in the MTC!! I cannot wait to go to Japan!  We had the Nihongis (Japanese missionaries) here for a couple weeks and they were just the cutest things!  However, they spoke so fast duirng Sacrament Meeting that I just sat there and died a little inside.  Japanese is getting a little better.  I'm learning more grammar, which I love because now I can actually form sentences.  I still feel stupid when I teach, but now instead of reading what I have to say, I memorize the sentences that I want to say to them.  I'm getting there.  My roommates are an absolute balst!  Surprisingly the two youngest are my favorite: Damron and Douglas Shimai.  The other ones can be too serious for me. But they are all great!  
This week, I was taught patience.  I learned that if you pray for patience, Heavenly Father will answer your prayers and force you into a situation where you have to be patient.  My comp was sick all week with something (we never figured it out).  Well, as many of you may already know, I don't do well in sympathizing with people when it comes to physical pain.  Also she walked so so so slowly, and I had to miss out on a lot of things while she slept in the room or was at the doctor's office.  But each day I got a little more patient.  But it's still a work in progress.  I'm not up to your level yet Mom.  Maybe one day though. 

One last story I forgot to tell about this week.  On Sunday, for the devotional, someone came in and acted as Dr. Willard Richards and told a small account on his interactions with Jospeh Smith.  Then we all sang "Praise to the Man" afterwards.  It was so cool!  I am so grateful for everything Joseph Smith and all of my ancestors did and went through so I could be raised in the gospel.  Afterwards we went and watched the Legacy in Japanese.  It was dubbed over and the voices were hilarious.  I also forgot how bad the acting was, but it was still great.  It was funny though because you forget sometimes that everyone here is so young.  They all were oo and awwing during the kissing scenes.  Gotta love the MTC!  Anyway, that's all.  Love you all! 
Martha (Ellsworth Shimai)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New Transfer, New companion

So this week Jamie didn't send any pictures and she didn't e-mail almost until the end of her p-day. Hopefully we'll hear more from her next week. It's been interesting for her to serve with someone who is as new is she is but she is really growing and learning so much. I told her it is times like these where you really learn and grow the most and fast. You have no other option but to step up to the plate and she is. She's awesome that way. She loves what she is doing and does her best every single day. Here she is!

Hi Family!
It has been another great week! As you know it was transfers and I got myself a new companion. It has been great but definitely different. As you know I am with Sister Gibson again and we are having fun being able to get to work together again! Actually, I will admit it is kinda nice. We are both in the same situation and we both know how each other feels which really has been nice.

It has been great for me because I am the one who knows all of the people we are teaching and the people in the ward so it has really forced me to learn how to contact everyone and to make appointments! It is forcing me to be more organized... which I guess is never a bad thing. Also, I am so used to Sister Portillo starting all of our lessons but now I am the one that is having to do that and I am having to extend pretty much all of the invitations. Honestly, I am learning a lot and fast too, so I love it. But I really love the ward that I am in. I would have never imagined that I would be in a singles ward but it is great. The members have been so awesome in helping us teach lessons and everything! Also, there are some girls preparing to serve missions so it has been fun because we teach them a short message and then they go out and find new investigators with us. I can't believe how brave they are.

Then I don't know if I have told you about Carl but he is pretty much already a member. Seriously, everyone in the ward thought he was a member and when they found out he was our investigator they were shocked. He really feels like the words in the Book of Mormon will help his life and will help him grow closer to Christ and become the person that he wants to become. We extended a baptismal invitation and he is really praying about it. He is awesome!
We have other progressing investigators too at the moment but to be honest, I don't really know what to write about them! haha but the work is going great and we are trying to just find more and more people to teach!

So funny thing... President called me and sister Gibson over to his flat yesterday because he found out sister gibby could play the piano (side note: this mission has a "band" with a group of missionaries that sing, play the guitar, drums, etc.--that is why I need my violin-- and so president is looking for more people to join, especially since a lot are leaving!) So we get over there and she plays the piano. Then he turns to me and says "Sister Ellsworth, I want you to sing while she plays this song" hahahaha what a joke. I told him a couple of days ago I liked to sing.. mistake. Anyway, he told me that I had a good voice and that I was in tune but I wasn't loud/confident enough. I just told him that my instrument is the violin, not my voice. ha but it was so scary. I never sing in front of people.. ever! at least not alone. wow. But then today we actually went to the band practice because Gibby had to play the piano and they added me into a song.. so I guess I kinda made the cut. I just can't wait for my violin to get here! I miss it so much! {I guess this traveling band goes and plays at firesides and different meetings.}

It was the best thing though today. When I was sitting there listening to the group sing, it made me realize how lucky I am to be serving a mission and to be in this mission. I am surrounded by so many amazing people and there is nothing else like this. I have had in these short months, the opportunity to meet so many people and I have only just started! Yes, sometimes the mission can be challenging but it is so much more rewarding at the end of the day and you just know that there is nothing else you could do that is like this. I really do love being here and every day there is something to remind me of that!
Well I just want you all to know that I love you very much and I am so happy to call you family! You are all the best family a girl could possibly ask for!

Love, Sister Ellsworth

She is just so beautiful! Love this girl.