Monday, June 24, 2013

A New Companion Already?

So Jamie is on fire. Honestly. She's doing awesome and we aren't the only ones who are noticing it. I am so proud of both of my sisters. They are both working so hard and serving faithfully. I miss them so much. Anyways, I believe Jamie should get her new companion today. Read on to find out more about it:

I saw all of the pictures and links you sent me about Martha being on the front row. That is honestly the coolest thing ever! I am so happy that she was able to have that experience!! AHH sooo cool! And she was able to see Emily! Wow I bet she just loved that so much!
This week has been another fun one and guess what, I have some news for all of you! So The transfer still has 2 weeks left... but today president pulled me in to the office and made some changes. He rearranged some of the sisters. I will no longer be with sister Gibson for the last 2 weeks of the transfer and I will actually be training the new VC sister that came in just 4 weeks ago! CRAZY!! I was not at all expecting for this to happen but I am so excited! The new girl (Sister Sua) is just the cutest thing ever and she is from Sydney, Australia! I will still be in the singles ward which I am also excited for! Ah I just think that it will be so great!
As for the work this week, wow there are just so many miracles that happen all of the time. So you all know that at first I didn't want to be in the VC and I will be honest.. sometimes I would not be the best VC missionary I could be. (I would not be at the front all the time waiting for visitors to come in and I would just get lazy) Then this last week we had a training and it really motivated me. We talked about how in the VC we are blessed because what is the best part about missionary work? Teaching people. We get to teach people ALL OF THE TIME. That is what we do and if we are not at the front waiting and prepared to meet those people, the Lord will not send them in because He needs to be able to trust us and know that we are ready to take care of them. I decided that I needed to do this and WOW it works. Since the day I decided to do that people have been flooding the VC (I feel like) and we have gotten to teach so many people. Also, on saturday night this young man from Africa came in. We gave him the lesson about the restoration and about the promise in the Book of Mormon and then we invited him to church the next day. Well, he showed up for church in a suit and tie and we got to talking. The night before he had stayed up most of the night and read the Book of Mormon! He got all the way to 3 Nephi chapter 18.. How amazing is that?!! I can't even explain how happy I was for him and how the spirit had touched him so strongly!!
I love how strong the spirit really is. honeslty it is amazing. The other day we had another lesson with Chris and when he came in I could tell something was different. He sat down and pulled out the Book of Mormon and his old Bible. I immediately thought.. "Oh boy". He said that that happiness he felt last week was gone and that he wanted that back but he didn't know what happened. So for the lesson we just talked and came to the conclusion that he was not reading the Book of Mormon and that is where it all lies. The Book of Mormon is something that can either make or break the gospel for us in our lives. Seeing him and his experience really made me realize that! It is our choice to do with it as we will but what we choose really affects us whether that is for good or for worse.
Also, we have not been able to watch that cool missionary broadcast yet because it was on at 11pm last night... and the missionaries over in this area of the world, were sleeping. haha but we do get to watch it this coming week sometime! However, we had a mission conference call this morning and President told us the announcement made by Elder Perry. The internet will now be used by all missionaries! That is so amazing to me. It is kinda scary, the Lord has put a lot of trust in the missionaries but I know that it is inspired and it will be so good! As you all know I have a facebook account (being a VC sister) and at first I thought it was dumb but I have really seen the benefits of it. There are a couple of dropped investigators and less actives that I can't get a hold of from the phone but they will always answer me on facebook chat so it is really awesome! I was thinking about it and they say that in the last days the all of the gospel will be spread through all the world. Sometimes I think we forget that there are others ways than just a physical missionary being in the country. All of the technology that we have in this world is allowing the gospel to spread all over and it is amazing!
Okay so funny story... actually kinda sad.. so you all know how I am in the missionary band? Well I never have the chance to practice the violin so pretty much I just run through the piece once before we perform and that is it. So we got music for the prayer and it was going to be the violin and the piano. I looked over it a couple of times and then they wanted me to perform it. Problem was, we only had one copy of the music so I would have to look of the piano to see the music. Well that is what they wanted so we did it and it was so rough. hahaha I totally messed up and just started laughing because of course that would happen! But I am just grateful that I am getting the chance to be more comfortable and brave playing in front of people because then after that I had to perform another song and I was not even nervous! haha but hey it;s a good story to write down, right?
Well I am so happy to hear that everyone is doing so well! I love you all so much and I hope that you have the best week!
your favorite Sister Missionary (We won't tell Martha) Sister Ellsworth
Oh and Ps. guess who I met the other day.. he came to our ward? Donny Osmond! haha random I know but ya I got to meet him!

Here's a picture of our dearest Jamie. I finally was able to edit the shadows off of the picture she originally liked but didn't want because of all the shadows. Check it out. I have such pretty sisters! 

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