Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Life Is Good

She's doing great!

Konnichiwa Kazoku-
Life here in the MTC is good.  Everyone says the time flies by, but I am still wiating for that to happen.  The MTC is great, but there is little variation.  I love when we can go out to the field and either jog or play sports.  The days here otherwise seem to melt together.  The language is coming along. I'm trying to really focus on the grammar structures this week.  I want to have those down so I can start putting a variety of sentences together.  However, I have seen many parts of the MTC and I have noticed that those who stay here for 9 weeks are stuck in the basement with these tiny little chair/desks that are so uncomfortable.  Then you go over to the English speaking buildings and they have padded large chairs with a bigger desk thing and much more room in their classrooms.  I find that a little unfair considering the fact that we are here for 9 weeks.  But guess what? This Saturday marks halfway!! On Saturday I will be officially one month away from departing to Japan. I can't wait!  I don't even care if I can't speak the langauge.  I'll get by somehow. 
I'm trying to see if there was anything that happened this week besides the usual.  On Thursday we had a sand volleyball game- Choros v. Shimai in our district.  Losers had to bring over everyone's tray for three days.  The boys won.  It was so embarassing.  I pretty much gave up after the first two points.  Church volleyball is just not my thing.  But luckily, the the choros didn't actually make us carry over their trays.  Our teachers our great, and they seem to get better and better each time they teach.  Todd sensei is awesome and you can tell he really wants us to be good missionaries.  On Sunday, for Relief Society, Sister Anne Clegg spoke.  Her talk was so great!  She actually made me more excited than I have been about serving a mission.  She told us the three things we need to know before going out into the field: 1) Know Your Purpose 2) Be Bold 3) Expect Miracles.  It was really good.  Also, they told us that in jus the Provo MTC, there were currently 1,297 sister missionaries--probably quite a bit different from the time Mom or Laura served.  There are so many! Also, every week we sing a special sister missionary song.  At first I thought it a little corny, but now I love it, so I'm going to share it with you.  It is sung to "As Sisters in Zion."
The sisters of zion are called to God's labor
We willingly serve Him in Spirit and might
We go to the nations with truth everlasting
We teach of the Savior, our Lord, Jesus Christ
We thank thee o God for a prophet to guide us
We trust in His words and our purpose is clear
The angels of Heaven are walking beside us
We'll share our glad message with all who will hear
We'll go forth enlisted in Helaman's army
With numbers much greater than ever before
With power and Spirit we faithfully witness
The heavens have spoken and truth is restored
It is so cool when we all sing it together.  I hope you enjoy it.  I'm guessing they had that song around when Jamie was in the MTC.  Anyway, I can't think of anything else new. Hope you have a great week!
Ai shite imasu yo!
Ellsworth Shimai

Maxi skirt day 
At the temple 
All the sisters at the temple
Before their v-ball game

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