Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Mission Band

Jamie is loving life and seeing progression on the people she is working with. She has had some awesome confirming experiences lately that have helped her understand even more that she is in the right place, at the right time.

Hi Family!!

So to start off you will never guess... Chris told me that he is 80% sure he is going to get baptized!!!!!! AHH I was freaking out. I mean after everything. Oh boy it just shows me how powerful the spirit really is. It is just amazing. Seeing his change and how happy he is, is just such a testimony builder to me! I invited him to set a date on july 7 and he started giving me the excuse that it was after his first week of work so he would be too tired so then I said, "Okay then it's the 30th!" he just laughed and said that it would actually work better but that it was so soon! Well we are really pushing for the 30th and I am so excited!! He just wants to talk to his parents first... but yay he is getting so Close!! 
This past week has been amazing! Once again there have been so many miracles, I can't believe it. Our investigator Jillian is still as awesome as ever and yesterday she came to all of church which was awesome. She is pretty quite so she didn't have too much to say but she said that she really enjoyed it so I was happy to hear that!
So you know that band that I told you I am in now? Well we get to travel all around the mission now to perform and it is just awesome! It is honestly so much fun! I love all of the people that are in it and I love getting to meet all of the people that come to hear it. This past week we went to a place called Watford which is like 1 1/2 hours away by tube and stuff... That performance didn't start till 8 and we didn't leave the chapel till 9:15. Put the pieces together and we didn't get home until like 10:45 that night... haha it was weird being out so late, especially on a Friday night in London. But I am so excited because we are doing 2 performances this week! It is crazy because this is how it always works.. The day of the performance I get the violin and a new piece that we are going to play that night. Then I run through it alone 2-3 times, play it with everyone else once and then we go and perform it. It is really making me so much more comfortable playing in front of other people and I just love it.
I think I already told you this last week but I just wanted to remind you all that this is the best mission in the world! The people here are just amazing! They are so sweet and I can't even explain how much I just love all of them. There were a couple of moments this week where I really realized why I am specifically here in the England London mission at this time. I couldn't have asked for a better place to serve, especially at this time!
So, as you all know, a mission was not really my first choice once upon a time.. haha I really needed to be directed and have a lot of "cool" things happen to get me to the right direction. Like deciding to serve 4 days before the announcement of the age change and then getting called to London. all crazy. But let me just tell you that I am so grateful for all of those Big and little promptings I had to come out here and serve. I will be honest, sometimes I think to myself how my life would be if I didn't come and serve a mission and it kind of scares me. I have learned so much and still have so much more to learn and I can't even think about missing out on it. This past week was such a huge testimony builder for me in so many ways! I don't even really know how to describe it except that it was awesome! I guess it just all comes down to the fact that I am grateful for the people around me and everything that they teach me. I have really come to love this gospel more than anything and I would never want to loose that! (and I told myself I would never be one of those missionaries that is all spiritual in their emails home.. what has happened to me! haha)
Life here in England is just great. I am finally getting use to how to shop for food and all that kind of stuff. Just basically how to live here. Oh best thing ever. So I am my fathers child because I have only been eating microwave popcorn and I am sick of it. SO, I found just plane seeds at the store and I figured out how to cook them on the stove (I will be sending a picture) Best. Thing. Of. My. Life. You know me and my popcorn. I just love it and I pretty much can't live without it, especially the kind we make at home so I was one happy camper! Also, being at the mission office is the best. I went upstairs and talked with Sister Allred who is from Utah. There is a Costco here and she has a membership so guess what she did for me? She went and bought me a huge thing of skippy peanut butter. Oh boy I am in heaven. hahaha I know kinda pathetic but hey it works. If there is a will there is a way right? I was really missing my peanut butter!
Well I best be getting going. I hope that you all are having a wonderful week and hey, no more boating without me. You have to wait until... I get back. remember that was our deal :) haha I love you all SO much!!!
Love, Sister Ellsworth

Jamie finally sent some pictures. I told her I was missing her beautiful face.

With some of the missionaries that left last transfer 
With some of the newly baptized members
Nightly planning outside on their balcony
With her fav 
With Andrea, her 1st baptism, at Big Ben!
A little taste of home
Just a reminder, if you want to write Jamie a physical letter, her address is on the right hand side of this blog. She doesn't get very many letters so any love you want to send her way I know she'd appreciate it!

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