Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Love life in London

Hi Family!
Well this week has been great. Honestly, I know that I say it every week, so sorry if it gets old, but I really love this work! The people we are currently teaching are so awesome! They are all so different from each other and have such different needs. It is so cool to get to know these people and to help them build their relationship with God. Each person is unique and I love seeing how other people work! 

haha funny story. So that guy Nick that we found last sunday.. he is just awesome! I can't really explain what he is like but he always makes me laugh. So, we had an appointment set up with him the other day and I sent him a text to confirm and he replied with "Hey, I;m not in the mood today. Thanks anyway" haha I just started laughing. Then we taught him and this whole time he kept saying, "I just don't fit in here." Turns out that the whole time this poor guy thought we were trying to change who he is. (He was part of the Jehovah Witnesses' and that is what they do apparently) Well, we got over that and now he is doing really great! ha

Avtar ended up not being able to get baptized this past week.... he is having a hard time with the word of Wisdom. So we are working hard on him and really trying to help him to stop! Jillian is doing well. We actually got her to commit to a baptismal date! But it is kind of a conditional date! But she is really wanting to push forward and I have faith that she will get baptized on the day :)

So saddest day ever... We taught Chris this last week and we ended up having to drop him. It honestly made me so sad but Sua and I knew that that was what we had to do. He was not willing to come to church and to keep commitments. We still keep in contact but we are no longer teaching him. That is probably the hardest part about a mission. Seeing people not accept this message even when you know they are ready! 
So this past week I had a work over with one of the Sister Training Leaders (they are new) and it was great. I realized that I need to be more bold in my missionary work. That is how people will know our purpose, that we love them, and they will be able to accept the message better. So I have really been focusing on talking about baptism in the first lesson and being bold but loving. I can testify from experience now that it really does work. People then know exactly what they are there for and our purpose. haha you think I would have learned this earlier.... 

So Sister Sua got sick again, poor thing. This time it was yesterday (sunday). It was so hard because we had investigators come to church but we were not able to be there! But thankfully the elders helped us out there. But pretty much I just got to stay home and study, study, study. It was so good for me tho. I really learned a lot. Then we went out and took a walk to get out of the apartment and we found a girl who we are teaching tomorrow! It is so fun to just always talk with people. That is the thing about being a missionary. You never just take time off because pretty much everyone you meet needs the message that we share! 

I love you all so much! You are the best family a girl could ask for! Keep being the best people ever and I hope that you all have a wonderful week! LOVE YOU!!

Love, Sister Ellsworth 

With her companion, Sister Sua
She loves London
So someone dropped a bag of clothes off to Jamie and told her they thought they would fit her. So her and Sister Bergstrom tried them on...

These two...always up to no good...ha

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