Monday, March 31, 2014

Faith to endure

March 9, 2014

Hello everyone!
So, what to report for this week.  Nothing huge or big or exciting, just the norm.  We finished our cram session of getting to know the Savior more and more, and I think it actually has helped a lot (granted I still have a lot more learning to do though).  So this week, has gone surprisingly well.  Not as in numbers wise or the typical way you think of a mission, but as in myself.  This transfer has been pretty tough on me and there are days when I am almost postivie I cant do it anymore.  But this week, I havent had those days.  Somehow, I am able to push through it all with more faith than I ever have.  And I know that it is only through the power of the Atonement that I am able to persevere with so much patience.  Really though, I know for a fact I am receiving divine assistance because I would not be able to do this on my own.
Okay, so our mission goal right now is for every companionship to see a baptism by March 23rd.  Well, I have been working like crazy, and we just had two of our Yaks (people with a baptismal date) not make their date.  So sad.  One I know could make it (little Yu chan) but she cant get baptized until her dad is reactivated.  So as of right now, with two weeks left, that date seems literally impossible.  But everytime I pray about it, I just get the feeling to work, do everything in my power, and that the Lord will provide the miracle.  Sometimes it can be so hard to keep going strong when it seems impossible, but the Lord has been helping me keep strength.  For instance, yesterday, Yu Chan didnt come to church (she still looks like our best candidate for baptism) and everyone who said they would come, didnt come.  I was so disappointed and trying hard to stay strong.  I wanted to find peace, so I turned to the scriptures.  Now, first, let me tell you that I always want to be able to open up a random page, read a random verse, and have it be my answer, but those types of things never ever happen to me.  Ever.  But yesterday, for like the first time ever, it actually did.  I opened up the Book of Mormon, and the last part of Alma 36:27 was highlighted in green and just popped out at me.  "and I do put my trust in him, and he will still deliver me."  Just what I needed to be reminded of.  I just have to remember that if I am doing all that I can, that the Lord will make up the rest- even in seemingly impossible times.  So, what I have been learning this week, is the power of the atonement to help you endure with patience, your trials.  This week has been so hectic and unexpected, and things arent going as planned, but I just have this calm reassuring feeling that everything will work out if I continue to work hard and put my faith and trust in the Lord.  And even if we dont see a baptism, that it will have been for good. 
Anyway, other than that, the week has been great.  The more I am out here, the more I realize that I am half child.  We went and visited Yu chan and her little brother and I did races with them in the parking lot and taught them how to sing in a funny voice- (that they practiced and mastered by the next time I visited them) while the mom and the grandma and my companion just stood there and laughed at me.  I love little Asian kids.  Anyway, that is all for my week.  I love you all and hope you are doing fantastic!  Keep being strong and moving forward with faith!
Ellsworth Shimai

March 16, 2014

Dear Family-
Sorry, this email will be short today, but thats probably okay anyway because you are all planning for the wedding this weekend.  Wish I could be there Stephen and Allison, but I send my love and hope you have fun and enjoy the day.  But today I get to go to Koyasan.  It is up in the mountains and a little buddhist community wiht lots of temples.  The cherry blossoms wont be out yet, but im excited to go.  I guess it is where Buddhism started in Japan.  We have been planning to go for three weeks now, but something always got in the way, but we actually get to go now.  So look forward to lots of pictures next week.
So this week.  Well the sister training leaders (STLs) came out and did exchanges with us.  Not going to lie, I was extrememly nervous because I know they evaluate us and then report back to the MP.  I knew an exchange was coming though because Kaicho (the MP) said he wanted to send them out there to assess the situation with my companion and give me a little break.  So in my mind, thats what I thought the exchange was for, but also acknowledging that I could learn and improve from it as well.  Boy was I wrong.  I think that exchange was specifically for me.  I learned so much and have so much to work on.  After the exchange I made a commitment to follow every piece of counsel they gave, and I can already see improvements.  It also helps with the companionship.  I think I was so focused on helping her and just surviving that I let some things slip.  But after the exchange I have other things to focus on and improve about myslef, making me feel better, and making it much easier to then uplift and encourage my companion.  I go through stages of how I want to help my companion each week.  Sometimes it is to talk to her and let her cry it out.  Sometimes I cant handle it and I would just have to ignore it.  But lately, know when it happens, I just tell her to piggy back onto my faith and get to work.  And to help her do so, I have us take a short pause and sing a hymn in English (much more powerful in your native tongue).  I feel bad because I finally have gotten a hang of my companion, and now someone else may have to go through the same trial I just went through.  Maybe, they may be much more patient than I am.  The transfer gets easier as it goes along, and I am finally starting to overcome it rather than have it overcome me.  I am excited for next transfers though to see what they bring. 
Anyway, for the most part, that is all.  Just trying to improve little by little everyday.  I hope you all have a great week and have a fun time at the wedding.  Dont forget to send me lots of pictures- and not just by email.  O and mom I got the girl scout cookies this week!  Thank you!!!  Everyone is very jealous.  Funny thing though, as soon as I saw them, I picked up the box to read it hoping I would find some funny Engrish, but then remembered that they came from America.  I was disappointed but found it fuinny that it has become instinctive to seek for Engrish.  Anyway, I wish you every a lot of happiness.  See you again.
Ellsworth Shimai

I love how you can tell that Martha's japanese is getting better because her english is getting worse. Always a true sign that she is becoming more immersed in the language. Love it!

A picture they took with some girls who were staring at them! haha 
Peanut butter pie for pi day! 
Little Leo. Martha loves her!
The whole crew, minus Yamada San

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