Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Another Crazy Week

Hi Family!!

So let me just tell you... this week has been so crazy. hahaha I feel like we have been running all over the city...but hey it is great!

So to start. The lock on our flat has been broken for like a month now and someone was suppose to come and fix it but they hadn't... Then on friday morning when we left our flat, it was still broken. After a long day we were excited to get home, plan and then get to bed but guess who's lock had fallen off? haha yup. ours. So we couldn't get in to our flat and we had to go walk over to the other sister's flat and sleep there. Sleepover with Bergy tho! haha that was so fun! Then in the morning we went to meet up with the senior missionaries at our flat to try and fix it but that didn't work. Then they just left us there. We were homeless. So we went to the grocery store, bought breakfast and started heading to the chapel... but then we had a great idea. We called up the Wilson's (one of the senior couples in the visitor's centre) and they let us come over to their flat to show and eat! It was so nice of them. We were so happy!

As for the missionary work, it is going so great! Wow I cannot even tell you how blessed we have been. We have honestly seen so many miracles! This past week we found so many people to teach! This upcoming week is just full of appointments with new people, it is awesome! I love going out and finding new people. I have really been able to see that as long as you just get out there and do it with a good attitude and try your best, that the Lord really will put in the rest to help you!

There have been so many times where we have just gotten blessed with meeting people. Last thursday a member brought his friend to institue and we were able to sit and talk with him for a really long time. He doesn't believe that there is a God but he prays to know if there is one. You can just tell by looking at him that his soul is searching for something more. That is what I love about the gospel. It fills that missing peice that sometimes we don't even realize is missing until we find it.

Also, yesterday there were so many people that just decided to come to church. They weren't meeting with missionaries or anything, they just wanted to come in and see what it was like. So naturally, we went and spoke with them. We met with one of them today and he is awesome! He has already been reading the Book of Mormon and he feels like what he is reading is a miracle from God. Ahh how awesome is that! He is so great and really wants to learn more!
As for Chris and Jillian? Well Jillian is doing well. I just really love her. She is so sweet and loveable. I love the friendship that we have and I can tell that she is just really starting to open up. Then for Chris.. Well for a while he was not responding to us and I was so worried. However I did not want to give up on him, he had come such a long way! Finally the other day he responded and we met with him the next day (friday). He told us that he was considering just not even meeting with us anymore but he decided to give it another chance. haha well I am so glad that he did. He was the most happy when he was wanting to be baptized and that is also when he was reading from the Book of Mormon. If I have learned one thing already from my mission, it is the importance of the Book of Mormon. That is what holds everything together. By reading that and pondering and praying if it is true, that is when you will get your answer. The Book of Mormon is so important and you can never know if this is true unless you put in your effort to read the book and pray sincerely to know if it is true. I have come to really just love the Book of Mormon so much. I am always so excited for personal study every morning when I get to read it.

I love being a missionary more than anything! My testimony has grown so much it is crazy and I love it. I hope that you all have a wonderful week! I miss you all and love you very much!!

Love, Sister Ellsworth 

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