Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Celebrating the 4th of July...in England


We are starting a new transfer tomorrow! It is so crazy how fast time goes out here on in the mission! I feel like last transfer just started  But I am excited for this next transfer. I will be staying in Britannia (The ward I have been in since the beginning) and I get to stay with sister Sua! I am really excited! We get along so well and we just laugh. all the time. Also, she is just amazing! She is such a great teacher and has such a strong testimony! I learn so much from her!
So as you all know, it was the 4th of July this past week. Don't worry, I still celebrated. It was so much fun! Kinda weird celebrating our independence from Britain in England.... but hey, it works. So even though Sis Sua is not from America, she celebrated with me! We made a special breakfast of french toast. haha then we sang American songs for companionship study and we also said the pledge! It was so fun. Then everyone in the Visitors Center dressed in Red, White, and Blue. Don't worry I will send some pics. Then we got fed a nice American BBQ dinner. I loved it. 
The work is going good as well. The ward that I am in has been having so many baptism's and it is so amazing! We are finding a lot right now trying to get some new investigators! We have been getting a lot of appointments which is really great!
Also, Jillian is doing great! Man I just love her. She is so sweet. Today we actually went out and spent our P-day with her. We went to this really cool street in London that is pretty popular. It is a really long street that is just filled with a whole bunch of different stands, charity shops, and antique shops. It was so much fun! Also, she is really loving the lessons and the church! Right now we are working on setting a baptismal date with her! yay!!
Oh and guess what guys?! Guess who came to the chapel this past sunday? Elder Quentin L. Cook! How cool is that!! So he came and I got to meet him and talk with him. Then President Jordan came up to Sis. Sua and me and asked us to give him a tour of the Visitors Centre! Like I said, this mission is the best. There are so many amazing things that happen!!
I love being a missionary and doing this work! I hope that you all have a wonderful week! I love you guys so much!
Love, Sister Ellsworth

Tired after another late night of performing in the missionary band
Celebrating the 4th!
All the Visitor Center sisters dressed up for the 4th
Out to lunch with her district. It's a small district. 

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