Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Elmy's

Jamie is in full swing training mode now and is loving her new companion and her district. It sounds like she has such a fun mission!

Holla Mi Familia!!
So let me just start off by saying how much I have loved this past week! I love Sister Sua! (She is my new companion) We get along so well and we have so much fun together! Honestly, we just laugh all day long! I love it!
This week has been so great tho honestly. So pretty much we are both so new at this whole mission thing that we realized we just need to rely more on the Lord and try our best and have fun while we do it! We both wanted to improve our finding. Haha at first it was really hard to go out finding because I didn't have a senior companion to rely on but it has really helped me to be able to have the faith to do it. This past week we went out finding and we got so many potential appointments and we are getting new investigators as well!
As far as our other investigators, they are still doing good. Chris has been out of town for the last week and a half, so we really haven't gotten to see him.. which has been kinda sad. Then, Jillian is doing great! She is just the sweetest little thing ever, I love her! and the member that we always have come teach with us just moved here so they became really great friends! They went and took a day trip down to the white cliffs of Dover (they invited us but of course we couldn't go.. I was so jealous! ha) Also, we are teaching a new girl named Vin and she is just the best. She came to church yesterday and she was just so fun and sweet. She is always smiling and laughing and I just love it. She is from Thailand and is here studying!
I just love being a missionary so much! Talking with people about the gospel and testifying is the best thing ever. I love going outside and just being able to talk with people and get to know them. Also, I love all of the missionaries that I serve with. I hate it when they leave and decide to go home... worst part haha but they are all so fun! This past week we had the funniest district meeting ever. My district leader was playing music when we all walked in the room and then he got up and performed for all of us. Then he always picks a hymn that is funny and has some weird like trumpet thing haha hard to explain but so funny! Also, each transfer we get a zone calender where each person has a day and it has events on it that will happen. Today we had what was called "The Elmy's". haha they just came up with it this transfer but the zone leaders made a powerpoint and made an award for each person in the district and then Elder Helske (My district leader) did the funniest performance again. Honestly I just love it here. My journal is full of such fun stories and memories that I would never want to replace.
Sorry this is kind of a short email but I can't really think about anything else that has happened. All I know is that I love it here so much! I am so happy I decided to come out and serve the Lord in London! I love and miss you all very much! I hope you have a wonderful week!!
Love, Sister Ellsworth 

With Sister Bergstrom at "The Elmy's"

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